Welcome to the
Bioinformatics group

We are the Bioinformatics group (PI Francesco Raimondi) of the Laboratorio di Biologia (BIO@SNS) of Scuola Normale Superiore. We provide information about our own research, team members and links to developed services .

About us


Cell Genomics May 08, 2024
The landscape of cancer-rewired GPCR signaling axes

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Bioinformatics Advances Set 26, 2023
EXPANSION: a webserver to explore the functional consequences of protein-coding alternative splice variants in cancer genomics

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Nature Communications Jul 19, 2023
GPCRome-wide analysis of G-protein-coupling diversity using a computational biology approach

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Nature Immunology Jun 12, 2023
The GPCR–Gαs–PKA signaling axis promotes T cell dysfunction and cancer immunotherapy failure

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All rights Reserved © Bioinformatics group of the BIO@SNS, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy) - 2021